Raise your hand if you are sitting around with a bunch of time to throw down the drain doing stuff the wrong way
Yeah, me either.
Yet I see so many people struggling to start and grow podcasts that help them sell their offers.
Just Imagine
- An engaged audience and community that hangs on your every word.
- People recognizing you as the thought leader that you are.
- Knowing that you get to share your message, and make an impact +cash just by doing the thing you love.
So if you
- You want to be able to DIY right now, and need to know the most important pieces of making a podcast work for your business- without fluff
- You want to create a pocast that helps you grow your business from Day 1
- You have a podcast that has gone on to the podcast graveyard (aka you quit because you got burnt out)
Then you need to get your booty in this Podcast That Pays workshop. chop chop!

Here's What My Client Kristin Had To Say About Working Together In A VIP Day.
In Podast That Pays Workshop, I am taking you through THE SAME framework that people pay me thousands to implement for them.
Jen Joined The Pod Squad And Used The Same Tools I am Sharing In This Workshop To Get Over The Overwhelm Of Launching Her Podcast
Hi I'm Angie!
I’m a life coach turned podcast coach and mentor.
This all started for me when I decided to stop dicking around and start the podcast I KNEW I had in me to share the message I KNEW people needed to hear.
In less than 6 months, I amassed over 10k downloads and 13k cash- striaght from my podcast.
I want to teach you the steps I took to get clients from my podcast and have my inbox FULL of people telling me that my podcast was changing their lives.
My job is to help you refine your message, build your audience, get your message out to those that need to hear it, and make more money. Period. Because listen, the world needs you to be fully supported in order to continue to share your message. AKA- you deserve to earn a fuck ton of money.
I love this work. Thank you for being in my world :)